Fixing a Paper Jam

If you have a printer or copier in your office then you’ve probably experienced a paper jam at some point along the way. It’s an annoying reality, but paper jams will happen on occasion. They can be a huge irritation, especially if you don’t know how to fix them. Fixing a paper jam is easy and our experts at Oklahoma City copier are here to help.

When you are fixing a paper jam just remember to be careful with your machine. While paper jams alone are easy to fix, damage can be done if you are not careful. If you treat your machine with respect, then everything will go smoothly.

  1. Find the jam. Look around and see if you can figure out what is causing the jam. The problem will usually be a piece of paper caught up in the paper tray. If you don’t see the problem in the paper tray then you may need to look inside the machine.
  2. Remove the jam. Carefully remove the paper from the machine. Don’t yank or jerk the paper. This can cause it to rip, or worse, do damage another part of the machine.
  3. Double check. Make sure you removed everything that could cause a problem. Look for scraps or other crinkled paper that could cause another problem. You don’t want to be fixing another jam because of something you missed.
  4. Run a cleaning program. This will remove any excess dust away from the brushes and give you a clean print.

Following these steps will ensure that you fix your jam. However, if your machine still isn’t working then you should call the experts at Oklahoma City Copier. We will help you troubleshoot your problem, or send someone out to fix your malfunctioning machine.
